A-day Biology

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Science Day at the U

Huge extra credit opportunity!

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Science Day at the U

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, high school students (sophomores, juniors and seniors) from around the state of Utah and Idaho are invited to the University of Utah campus to attend a full day of science-related workshops and academic advice. These interactive workshops with University of Utah professors give high school students a great look at laboratory research and career opportunities in science, math, and engineering. This annual event showcases the science and math programs at the University of Utah and is absolutely free to students, parents, and educators. Lunch is provided.

The event begins at 8:00 AM with Check-In and Registration in the A. Ray Olpin Union Building. Science Day ends at 1:30 PM.

Teachers, counselors and parents are encouraged to attend Science Day with their students.

Parking Directions

The University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City is situated between University Street (1340 East) and Wasatch Drive (1950 East) and from 100 South to 400 South. Parking is free on the weekends. Lots east of the A. Ray Olpin Union Building (#43) and at the intersections of North Campus Drive and Central Campus drive are recommended, as well as west of the Mariott Library (#45). Use the map to find them.

Printable Forms 2009

Click the links, below, for the appropriate printable form for Science Day at the U 2009:



For more information contact Lisa Batchelder, (801) 581-6958 at the University of Utah's College of Science.

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to use ExploreLearning.com

Use the following class codes:

Carbon Cycle Animation


Mr. Ong's email address


Thursday, September 24, 2009

FYI: Pre-test

No extra credit, but a diligent student would go through the following questions:
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
1. In the water cycle, what is the conversion of liquid water to a gas or vapor?
a. Evaporation
b. Condensation
c. Precipitation
d. Seepage (could also use other words like infiltration. Whatever you thought was more appropriate).
2. What process do plants use to covert carbon dioxide to sugar and oxygen?
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
c. Condensation
d. Denitrification
3. What process do animals use to convert sugar and oxygen to carbon dioxide and energy?
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
c. Condensation
d. Denitrification
4. Decomposers, such as bacteria, return which nutrient from dead plants and animals to the soil?
a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Carbon
d. Water
Correct Answers:
1. a
2. a
3. b
4. a
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Abiotic Factors Ecosystems Biotic Factors Populations
Water Fungi Black Oak Trees in a forest
Light Grasses Bullfrogs in a pond
Temperature Plants Brook trout in a stream
Soil Animals E. coli in the intestine
Nutrients Humans
Gases Decomposers
1. During the nitrogen cycle, nitrogen from the air is converted to nitrates by plants, which is then used by living organisms to make proteins and nucleic acids. Under what category does the nitrogen cycle belong?
a. Abiotic factors
b. Ecosystems
c. Biotic factors
d. Populations
2. If the nitrogen cycle was interrupted at any stage, which of the following would be the MOST affected?
a. Production of energy
b. Protection of body organs
c. Formation of carbohydrates
d. Growth/repair of cells
Correct Answers:
1. b
2. d
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
If carbon dioxide (CO2) were withdrawn from the biosphere, which organism would first experience negative biological effects?
a. Primary consumers
b. Producers
c. Second-level consumers
d. Third-level consumers
Correct Answer: b
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Water has always been scarce in the Middle East. Israel, Jordan, Syria, the West Bank, Iraq and Turkey have fought over water and continually threaten war when the flow of water is reduced. Where the flow of water has slowed down, we see problems obtaining clean drinking water, difficulty growing crops, and problems in producing electricity. Where water is plentiful, we see large economic growth of Middle Eastern cities.
How does this scenario describe water?
a. Variable
b. Biotic component
c. Producer
d. Limiting factor
Correct Answer: d
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
What ecological problem will result if individuals use automobiles instead of car-pooling or using scheduled public transportation?
a. convenience in traveling when and where each individual chooses.
b. greater air pollution than from any other cause.
c. higher employment in automobile and fuel industries.
d. lower accident and injury rate than in scheduled transportation.
e. all of these.
Correct Answer: b
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
How can we lessen the impact of agriculture on the biosphere?
a. rotate and alternate crops.
b. select crops for less irrigation.
c. use organic instead of inorganic fertilizers.
d. use biological pest control instead of insecticides.
e. all of these.
Correct Answer: e
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
The greenhouse effect is caused chiefly by the presence of excess carbon dioxide in the air. This traps the heat energy of sunlight and daily activities in the earthÕs atmosphere. What personal choices would NOT help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
a. Reduce the use of aerosols
b. Carpool instead of driving alone.
c. Recycle plastics, aluminum, and paper.
d. Cutting down trees to make farms.
Correct Answer: d
MC Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
JohnÕs family has owned and operated a farm for over seventy years. They raise feed corn and alfalfa on over 80 acres of land. They use flood irrigation to water their crops, utilize fertilizers, and apply pesticides to control destructive insect populations. Their land is located approximately one half mile from a river that supplies water to the local town. JohnÕs father knows that occasionally the chemicals he uses on his crops end up in the river. He also knows that there are other products, which are not harmful to humans but are much more expensive to purchase, are available. Which of the following statements best describes what you think JohnÕs father should do when he makes decisions about the purchase of chemicals for his farming operation?
In the selection above, underline evidence that could affect the decision.
_____1. JohnÕs father should continue to purchase the less expensive chemicals. It is important for him to make a profit on his operation.
_____2. JohnÕs father should purchase the more expensive, less harmful chemicals. His farming practices could affect the health of people in the community.
_____3. JohnÕs father should continue farming the way his family has in the past. It is not likely that the chemicals in the river affect humans.
_____4. JohnÕs father should work with the city to determine if the chemicals are getting into the water supply and affecting human health before making his decision.
_____5. JohnÕs father should ask the city to reimburse him for the purchase of the more expensive chemicals.
_____6. JohnÕs father should stop using any chemicals in his farming operation.
_____6. Write your own idea about what you think JohnÕs father should do and why.
Note to teacher:
There is no correct answer for the question. The statements indicate possible positions that students make take. This assessment question gives teachers an indication of studentsÕ beliefs about the impact of personal choices on the cycling of matter in ecosystems.
I Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Read the following before answering the questions:
The forest is calm and serene until a lumberjack presses his chain saw into the bark of a 200-year-old Douglas fir. The searing steel saw rips through the bark and past the thin cells of living tissue. In less than two minutes the noble giant succumbs and crashes to the earth. Life is extinguished as tree after tree is severed from the earth. Acre after acre is destroyed with wanton abandon. As the carnage grows, habitat for vulnerable species is lost forever.
1. What is the tone of the article?
a. Antagonistic towards the lumber industry.
b. Supportive of the lumber industry.
c. A factual account of lumber industry practices
d. A neutral, and objective look at the lumber industry.
2. According to the article, what consequences could continual logging cause?
a. Depletion of habitat and increased number of species
b. Destruction of habitat and decreased number of species
c. Creation of new habitat and a continuation of existing species.
d. Creation of new habitat and an increase in species diversity
3. According to the article, what atmospheric changes could result from increased logging?
a. Decreased atmospheric CO2
b. Increased atmospheric CO2
c. Decreased atmospheric CFCs
d. Increased atmospheric CFCs
4. In a brief paragraph, indicate possible motives that led to the writing of the article and indicate what prior experience may have contributed to the perspective held by the author.
Correct Answers & Scoring Guide:
1. a
2. b
3. b
4.The motive appears to be preservation of our forests; stop clear cutting or other extensive forest depletion. Writer may have had experience as a logger or a botanist.
I Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
The following key is to be used to identify each statement in the paragraph. Identify each statement using the key, then answer the questions that follow. (Hint: read the entire paragraph before answering the questions.)
a. Problem (stated or implied)
b. Hypothesis (possible solution to the problem)
c. Statement of observations
d. A prediction from a hypothesis
e. An inference
(1) How bees can smell at a distance has interested many people. When the antennae are coated with various substances, bees cannot find food. (2) Do vaporized chemical substances carried in the air stimulate the sense organs on the antennae of the bees? Mr. X suggested that (3) if this were the case covering the antennae should prevent the bees from going toward a plate of honey. Antennae were covered; (4) the bees did not go toward the honey. Ms. Y suggested that (5) if vaporized chemical substances stimulated sense organs then bees kept in an airtight glass cage would not go toward honey. Honey was smeared on the glass of one side of an airtight cage. (6) All the bees crawled over the side with the honey but not on the other sides of the cage.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____
7. The experiment suggested by Mr. X was
a. Satisfactory.
b. Unsatisfactory because it was unrelated tot he problem.
c. Unsatisfactory because it did not test the hypothesis.
d. Unsatisfactory because the results were not what was expected.
8. The experiment suggested by Ms. Y was
a. Satisfactory.
b. Unsatisfactory because it was unrelated to the problem.
c. Unsatisfactory because it did not test the hypothesis.
d. Unsatisfactory because the results were not what was expected.
9.The data obtained from the experiment suggested by Ms. Y
a. Supported the hypothesis.
b. Failed to support the hypothesis.
c. Neither supported nor failed to support the hypothesis.
d. Was totally unrelated tot eh hypothesis.
10.What recommendation would you make to Mr. X and Ms. Y?
a. Keep trying the same experiments.
b. Conclude that bees smell a vaporized chemical substance.
c. Conclude that no one knows how bees can smell.
d. Make a new hypothesis.
Correct Answers:
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. d
6. c
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. d
I Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Some scientists have been concerned about the greenhouse effect. This effect occurs when carbon dioxide traps the sunÕs heat causing a gradual increase in the earthÕs temperature. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by automobiles, making cement, combustion in factories, and the burning of forests. In addition to carbon dioxide, there are other gases that seem to contribute to global warming. These include methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Methane is produced as a waste product by animals like cows, pipeline leaks, decaying wastes in landfills, and coal mining. CFCs are found in many spray propellants, degrading agents, and refrigeration agents such as in air conditioning. These scientists worry that global warming may lead to changes in the water cycle causing drought, violent storms, famine, melting of ice caps, and flooding of costal cities. They worry not only about human suffering, but the loss of thousands, even millions, of organisms that would become extinct because they could not adapt quickly enough.
1. Which of the following would help to reduce the greenhouse effect the MOST?
a. Decreasing car emission
a. Planting more trees
b. Stop the use of spray cans
c. Reducing cow ranches
2. Which of the following governmental regulations would NOT help reduce global warming?
a. Reducing the movement of people to costal cities.
a. Increasing the miles per gallon requirements for cars and SUVs.
a. Mandating recycling in all areas.
a. Reforestation and sustained-tree farming.
3. What chemical compound seems to be the MOST responsible for global warming?
a. Methane
b. Chlorofluorocarbons
c. Carbon Dioxide
d. Sodium Chloride
4. How could the global warming best be studied?
a. Measure the amount of carbon dioxide in the air in one area.
b. Measure the temperatures around the world for several years.
c. Measure the thickness of the polar ice caps in the Arctic.
d. Measure the amount of methane produced by a cow in one day.
Correct Answers:
1. a
2. a
3. c
4. b
P Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Title: Is Nitrogen Necessary?
Time required: 6 to 8 weeks.
Materials: Stock solutions (some complete and some complete minus nitrogen)
1. Design and carry out a controlled experiment to determine if nitrogen is required for normal growth of plants.
a. After researching the question, write an essay describing how plants use nitrogen and make a prediction describing plants grown in the absence of nitrogen. List at least three references.
b. State a hypothesis
c. Describe your experimental design for testing your hypothesis.
Describe the control
Describe the experimental group
Describe variables
Indicate all materials and methods used in detail so that someone else can duplicate your experiment.
d. Set up and carry out your experiment
e. Collect data and provide a copy of all raw data you obtain.
f. Analyze data in form of graphs, charts, etc.
g. Provide a detailed, typed report of your results and conclusions.
h. Report your results to the class.
i. Indicate new questions resulting from your work and/or your suggestions for future research on this topic.
j. How can this information be helpful to others in a practical way? How can this information be used in our lives? Convince others that it is important!
1. What should be done if the results of an experiment do not support the hypothesis?
2. What if a legume was used as the experimental plant? What influence might that have on the results?
3. List some reasons why plants need nitrogen.
4. Indicate the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in plants.
5. Are nitrogen deficiency symptoms more obvious in the older leaves or in the younger leaves? Explain your answer.
6. Would you expect nitrogen deficiency symptoms to be more obvious in a young seedling or after several weeks of growth? Explain your answer.
7. How is nitrogen made available to plants by natural means?
8. How do humans and other animals get their nitrogen?
9. Discuss the artificial manufacture of nitrogen fertilizer. Include a brief description of the process, energy requirements, costs, pollution problems, etc. associated with the process.
10. What problems are associated with excessive nitrogen compounds in your area?
11. What are the sources of nitrogen pollution in your area?
12. Explain crop rotation and its use in agriculture.
13. Why are the marshes that border a lake so important to the health of the lake in relation to nitrogen?
14. Give as many suggestions as you can for controlling nitrogen pollution.
15. Diagram and explain the nitrogen cycle. Define all terms used.
Correct Answers:
1. Check the quality of the references you used for your research. Are they up to date? Is your interpretation and understanding of the research correct? Redo the experiment carefully. Check for variables that you may not have been aware of before, accuracy of measurements and other observations. Evaluate your choice of experimental plants. Check the analysis and interpretation of your data. Consider the possibility that your results may be correct. As much information is gained by disproving a hypothesis as by proving one. Consult with others doing research in the same field. (There are other possibilities).
2. Members of the legume family of plants have a mutualistic relationship with a species of Rhizobium, nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in nodules on their roots. For this reason legumes are not likely to have any nitrogen deficiency symptoms.
3. Component of nitrogen containing bases in nucleic acids necessary; for the adenine portion of ATP component of chlorophyll; necessary for all proteins (including enzymes); necessary component of plant hormones and alkaloids, etc.
4. Decrease in growth rate and lack of energy for cell requirements; may result in stunted growth of stems and leaves Chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), particularly the older leaves. Stems thin and woody. Production of anthocyanin in stems and leaves. Death of lower leaves
5. Nitrogen-deficiency symptoms may be more obvious in the older leaves because nitrogen is very mobile in the plant and will be translocated from the older leaves to the younger leaves.
6. Deficiency symptoms may not be apparent in young seedlings because they will obtain nitrogen from the food stored in the cotyledons (embryonic food storage organs). After the food supply in the cotyledons has been used up, then nitrogen-deficiency symptoms may appear in the plant after several weeks of growth.
7. Lightning oxidizes atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates; soil bacteria such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter oxidize ammonia and nitrite to nitrate; species of Rhizobium bacteria that live in the root nodules of legumes fix nitrogen as do many of the cyanobacteria.
8. Humans and other heterotrophs get their nitrogen from protein in the bodies of the plants and animals they eat.
9. Most nitrate fertilizers are produced commercially by the oxidation of ammonia.
NH3 + O2 -------- > H+ + NO3- + H2O
Sometimes nitrogen fertilizer is added to the soil in the ammonium form, relying on the nitrite and nitrate bacteria in the soil to convert it to nitrate, which the plants readily absorb. The commercial production of nitrogen fertilizers is a very high-energy process and is very expensive. The emission of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere from these industries contributes to acid rain and other pollution problems.
10. Pollution of local lakes and streams; air pollution and acid rain; destruction of the ozone layer.
11. Coal burning industries; industrial boilers; car, truck and bus emissions; fish hatcheries; livestock manure; over-fertilization of lawns, gardens and agricultural crops; overflow of sewage treatment plants; nitrogen fertilizer
12. Crop rotation is the process of alternating crops from one year to the next in a given field. There are several beneficial results of crop rotation. Nitrogen-depleted soil may be restored by growing legumes alternate years. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in nodules on their roots are nitrogen fixers and will replace nitrogen lost by previous crops that are harvested. Crop rotation is also important in control of crop pests. If the same crop is planted year after year, there is often an increase in insects, roundworms and other organisms that feed on that crop. If another crop is planted that these pests cannot feed on, their populations can be controlled.
13. The marshlands act as a strainer for pollutants coming into the lake. They remove nitrogen compounds from the water and convert them into plant proteins.
14. Control vehicle emissions (proper maintenance, emissions inspection programs, stricter standards for trucks, buses, farm vehicles, especially diesel engines); encourage car pooling; 2000; livestock should not be pastured within 2 miles of a lake or stream; deny permits to or close down any businesses or industries that release nitrogen into the environment; develop catalytic converters that would convert nitrogen oxides back to nitrogen gas; adopt agricultural practices that prevent over-fertilization and over-watering, increase crop rotation; preserve marshlands; better regulation and control of sewage treatment plants; write to senators and representatives and ask that they upgrade the Clean Air Act; amend our life styles to drive less and walk or ride bicycles more; use less energy, etc.
15. Nitrogen cycle

Most of the nitrogen that is cycled through the food web is taken up by plants in the form of nitrate, most of which comes from the nitrification of ammonia resulting from the decay of organic material. Nitrogen from the atmosphere produced by fixation, and its return to the atmosphere by way of denitrification, play a relatively small part compared to the local recycling that occurs in the soil or water.
ammonification = decomposition of organic nitrogen to ammonia
denitrification = nitrogen from nitrate is converted back to N2
nitrification = oxidation of ammonia to nitrites and then to nitrates
nitrogen fixation = the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that can be used directly by plants
Scoring guide:
Design and carry out an experiment 40%
Answering questions 30%
Glossary 10%
Correct spelling, punctuation and language usage 20%
P Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Investigating Limiting Factors
Teacher Instructions:
Background: Some plants and animals that live in one place are often very different from those living in another. Certain organisms thrive in one location but not somewhere else because different areas have different limiting factors.
A limiting factor is any condition that affects the growth or survival of an organism or a species. Temperature, amount of sunlight, and the availability of food and water are examples of limiting factors.
Needed Materials: (each group)
20 pinto bean seeds
dry soil
2 planters
measuring cup
masking tape
Have the students brainstorm as instructed on the Student Sheet. After brainstorming, lead the students into concentrating on the amount of water a plant needs. Have them write a hypothesis on how water affects the germination of bean seeds. Have the students brainstorm again about all the items they would need to test their hypothesis. Then divide the class into groups of 4 to do the procedure of investigation.
After they put the planters in the window, brainstorm with students again as to why things need to be done EXACTLY the same. Then, let them finish the procedure of investigation by watering the seeds as instructed.
Help the students check the seeds each day for 10 days and record their data as instructed. Have students enter data onto computer program. If this is not available, have the students graph and record their data.
Measure water that is used to keep the soil in planter A moist.
Use 1/2 the amount of the water used for planter A to add to the soil in planter B.
Use seeds of other kinds.
Investigating Limiting Factors
Student Sheet
Some plants and animals that live in one place are often very different from those living in another. Certain organisms thrive in one location but not somewhere else because different areas have different limiting factors.
A limiting factor is any condition that affects the growth or survival of an organism or a species. Temperature, amount of sunlight, and the availability of food and water are examples of limiting factors .
Getting Started:
Brainstorm and write down everything that you would need to do to grow a plant here in the classroom. What conditions and materials do you need? Be sure to included ALL the needed supplies.
Needed Materials: (each group)
20 pinto bean seeds
dry soil
2 planters
measuring cup
masking tape
Procedure of Investigation:
1. Use a piece of tape and with your marker label the planters A & B.
2. After the containers are labeled, place EQUAL amounts of soil in each planter.
3. Place 10 seeds into container A. Place the seeds about 0.5 cm deep. Leave equal amounts of space between the seeds.
4. Do exactly the same to planter B.
5. Place both planters near a window so that they receive the same amount of light and air.
6. Water the seeds in container A until soil feels moist but not wet. Record the amount of water used.
8. Check the seeds each day for 10 days. Make a table and record the number of new seeds that germinate in each container each day. On the data table write descriptions of the plant growth. Measure the height of the plants each day. Also, check the soil in Container A each day. Add water only to A as needed for the soil to stay moist. Record the amount of water used each time watered.
Summing Up:
Write an evaluation of your findings using the following questions.
1. In which container did the seeds germinate first?
2. In which container did more seeds germinate?
3. Did the plants in both containers grow to the same heights?
4. How did the water affect the germination of the bean seeds?
5. Is water a limiting factor for bean seeds?

P Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Rain and Plants
1 Utah Highway Map
1 Utah Vegetation Map
1 List of Average Annual Precipitation for Utah
1 Piece of Tracing Paper
4 different Colored Crayons
1 Data Table
1. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of interrelationships between Biotic and Abiotic factors.
2. SWBAT utilize 2-3 types of maps (precipitation, vegetation, and highway) to show Biotic/Abiotic interrelationships.
3. SWBAT understand population fluctuations are influenced by climate changes.
4. SWBAT explain why St. George has the vegetation and precipitation that it does.
1. Ensure you have all the materials.
2. Discuss the interrelationships of biotic and abiotic factors in your groups.
3. On your tracing paper, trace the outline of the state of Utah from the highway map.
4. Using your data table, separate the communities into the following 4 rainfall-level groups:
1-10 inches
10.1-20 inches
20.1-30 inches
30.1-40 inches
5. Assign a different color for each of the 4 rainfall-level groups. There will be 4 different colors selected.
6. On your map outline place a dot of the appropriate color for each of the 25 communities.
7. Consolidate each color into rainfall regions. Each similar rainfall region can be shaded lightly. Draw a line of separation between each rainfall region.
8. Students take out the Utah vegetation map. Find similarities in shapes between the student precipitation map and the vegetative map. Answer the questions on the Map worksheet.
Precipitation Data
Kings Peak 40 inches
Brigham City 20 inches
Enterprise 20 inches
Green River under 10 inches
Tooele 10-15 inches
Logan 30 inches
Ogden 25 inches
SLC 25 inches
St. George 5-10 inches
Cedar City 15 inches
Provo 25 inches
Moab 5-10 inches
Vernal under 10 inches
Richfield 10-15 inches
Garrison 15 inches
Sawtooth National Forest 25 inches
Milford 10 inches
Park Valley 10 inches
Delta 5 inches
Blanding 10-15 inches
Minersville 15 inches
Kanab 10 inches
Fishlake 30+ inches
Goshute Reservation 20-25 inches
Price 10-15 inches
Data Table
Community News Annual Average Rainfall Elevation

Map Worksheet
Name _____________________________ Period ___________
1. What similarities are there between the student precipitation map and the Utah Vegetative map?
2. What rainfall level fits what vegetative type?
3. Determine and list rainfall amounts for each vegetative community.
4. Look at the official Utah precipitation map. How does it compare with the Utah Highway map? How does it compa4re with the vegetative map?
5. What is the rainfall in St. George? Where does our rain come from? What is rain shadow?
6. How is the vegetation affected by the rainfall and elevation?
7. Can you see where the topography influences the rainfall in Utah? Yes or No?
8. Find two communities that have similar elevations, yet receive very different amounts of rain. Explain why this is so.
9. List 4 examples of biotic factors and 2 examples of abiotic factors listed in this exercise.
10. As you travel from Cedar City up through Cedar Mountain describe the vegetative zones you would encounter as you change elevation. Please draw a picture. (Hint: refer to page two of the vegetative maps)
Performance Task ∆ Rain and Plants
Teacher Guide
Purpose: To test the students ability to use 3 different types of maps to infer the interrelationship between biotic and abiotic factors in Utah. (Rain and Plants)
Time to Complete: Given the available materials, students should be able to complete the entire task in three 50-minute periods.
Teacher Instruction:
Each lab station will need the following materials:
Utah Highway map
Utah average annual precipitation amounts for 30 communities
Utah vegetation map
large piece of tracing paper
4 different crayon colors
Scoring Guide:
Students will be given 1 point for every answer they attain in the data table for a total of 75 points. Students will be given 2 points for every answer given that is logical on the map worksheet. We will go through this section as a class after the assignment is complete. Students are encouraged to add anything they learned to their answers as we go through the process. The instructor will grade the assignments once they are handed in.
P Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
ItÕs Time to Speak Up
Information for Teacher:
This performance test is intended to measure several of the Utah Intended Learning Outcomes, which relate to students' abilities to communicate their values and understandings. They should not be influenced in what they say, but rather in how they say it. You should score them on how well they meet the ILOs listed.
Time: On the day before the test, tell students of the task, but don't identify the topics. Provide 45 or 50 minutes in class for students to draft, refine and prepare a ready-to mail-copy of their letter.
Materials: Students should have word processors, pen and paper, any reference sources available in the school and access to the Internet.

ItÕs Time to Speak Up
Instructions for Students:
You will have one class period to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in which you do the following:
a. Identify a specific controversial issue regarding human impact on something related to the environment of Utah. Choose an issue from the following:
protection of an endangered species
water, air, or land pollution issues
waste disposal
fish and game policies or practices
land use
waste use
b. Take a position on the issue
c. Defend your position using logic, scientific data, or values of the local citizens for our defense. Show that you understand both sides of the controversy.
d. Suggest a solution to the controversy.
Your letter will be scored as follows:
5 4 3 2 1 a. Issue is identified clearly. Arguments of both side are
5 4 3 2 1 b. Student understands related science principles
5 4 3 2 1 c. Student explains how parts of the ecosystem are related
and how changes in one part will affect the other
5 4 3 2 1 d. Student provides evidence to support position
5 4 3 2 1 e. Students report evidences honestly and fairly
5 4 3 2 1 f. Letter is well organized and written; correct spelling,
grammar, sentence structure and punctuation
P Biology Standard: 01
Objective: 02. Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.
Design a controlled experiment to determine if carbon dioxide does increase global warming.
a. After researching the question, write an essay describing the relationship of carbon dioxide to global warming. Use at least three references.
b. State the hypothesis.
c. Describe your experimental design for testing your hypothesis.
1. Describe the control.
2. Describe the experimental group.
3. Describe the variables.
4. Indicate all materials and methods used in detail so that others could duplicate your experiment.

a. Follow-Up Questions
1. What is the role of carbon dioxide in an ecosystem?
2. Do you believe global warming is occurring or will occur? Why or why not?
3. Have you or your parents noticed a change in the weather in the last five to ten years? What changes are they? Why do you think those changes have occurred?
4. What can humans do to reduce global warming and the greenhouse effect? Do you think we as a population would be willing to change our ways? Why or why not?

Simple Explanation of the Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle
Encyclopedia Article
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Nitrogen Cycle, natural cyclic process in the course of which atmospheric nitrogen enters the soil and becomes part of living organisms, before returning to the atmosphere. Nitrogen, an essential part of the amino acids, is a basic element of life. It also makes up 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere, but gaseous nitrogen must be converted to a chemically usable form before it can be used by living organisms. This is accomplished through the nitrogen cycle, in which gaseous nitrogen is converted to ammonia or nitrates. The high energies provided by lightning and cosmic radiation serve to combine atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen into nitrates, which are carried to the Earth’s surface in precipitation. Biological fixation (see Nitrogen Fixation), which accounts for the bulk of the nitrogen-conversion process, is accomplished by free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria; symbiotic bacteria living on the roots of plants (mostly legumes and alders); cyanobacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae); archaebacteria (also known as archaea) in deep-sea hydrothermal vents and other geothermal environments; certain lichens; and epiphytes in tropical forests.

Nitrogen “fixed” as ammonia and nitrates is taken up directly by plants and incorporated in their tissues as plant proteins. The nitrogen then passes through the food chain from plants to herbivores to carnivores (see Food Web). When plants and animals die, the nitrogenous compounds are broken down by decomposing into ammonia, a process called ammonification. Some of this ammonia is taken up by plants; the rest is dissolved in water or held in the soil, where microorganisms convert it into nitrates and nitrites in a process called nitrification. Nitrates may be stored in decomposing humus or leached from the soil and carried to streams and lakes. They may also be converted to free nitrogen through denitrification and returned to the atmosphere.

In natural systems, nitrogen lost by denitrification
, leaching, erosion, and similar processes is replaced by fixation and other nitrogen sources. Human intrusion in the nitrogen cycle, however, can result in less nitrogen being cycled, or in an overload of the system. For example, the cultivation of croplands, harvesting of crops, and cutting of forests all have caused a steady decline of nitrogen in the soil. (Some of the losses on agricultural lands are replaced only by applying energy-expensive nitrogenous fertilizers manufactured by artificial fixation.) On the other hand, the leaching of nitrogen from overfertilized croplands, cutover forestland, and animal wastes and sewage has added too much nitrogen to aquatic ecosystems, resulting in reduced water quality and the stimulation of excessive algal growth. In addition, nitrogen dioxide poured into the atmosphere from automobile exhausts and power plants breaks down to form ozone and reacts with other atmospheric pollutants to form photochemical smog.

Simple Explanation of the Carbon Cycle

Some students asked about the carbon cycle. Check out this site for a simple explanation:

Extra Credit: Plankton and Coral

Hello everyone,
I'd like to thank Allison R. and Alexsys P. for pointing out that I didn't know exactly what was plankton. I now know. Before I announce the answer in class, I'd like to offer 10 points of extra credit. I don't plan on announcing this extra credit opportunity in class, but I want to reward those who read this blog.

The first person to answer the following question by posting to this blog will get 5 points extra credit. Question: Can plankton perform photosynthesis? Are they plants or are they animals?
To get extra credit, you will need to cite to a government source. (It's OK to start out with Wikipedia.)

Question 2 (if you answered Question 1 then you are not eligible to answer Question 2). Are coral plants or animals? Can coral perform photosynthesis? How are coral similar to the bacteria that lives inside our guts?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Please post your questions

Hi everyone,
Please post any questions you have. I can process up to 100 questions per day/per person. So start sending questions; otherwise, I won't know what I can do explain things more clearly for you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nitrogen Cycle Game

Do the game at http://www.teachersdomain.org/asset/lsps07_int_nitrogen/
. To get to the game go to teacherdomain.org . Then enter the following log-in: jacobong@gmail.com
password: biology

The search for "nitrogen cycle". Click on the flash interactive button for the first that shows up at the top of the list.
Write one paragraph that summarizes what you learned. If you can't access the game, the write one paragraph about the nitrogen cycle after researching some sites on the Internet (cite the site).

Carbon Cycle Game

Do the game at http://www.windows.ucar.edu/earth/climate/carbon_cycle.html . Write one paragraph about what you learned and what happened as you played the game.

Then play this game:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trophic Cascade and Biomagnification: Should I eat the fish in Utah lake?

Trophic Cascade
Bringing the Wolf Back to Yellowstone
Returning the Wolves is Helping Balance the Yellowstone Ecosystem
© Dorothy Patent

Wolves were killed off in Yellowstone in the 1920s, creating unforeseen ecological problems. Now the ecology is healing since wolves were returned 14 years ago.

Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872, mainly to preserve its geologic wonders--geysers, hot springs, colorful mud pots and spectacular canyons and waterfalls--for tourists. But park visitors also enjoyed the wildlife such as elk and deer, but they didn't appreciate the predators that hunted these animals, especially wolves. This attitude resulted in the wholesale slaughter of the Yellowstone wolves. By 1926, the wolves were all gone.
After the Wolves Were Gone, Elk Increased in Population
Safe from the wolves, elk became more numerous in the park as the years passed. When winters were mild, many elk survived, and without wolves to keep the population down, elk numbers swelled. Park rangers stepped in to control elk numbers. They trapped the elk and sent them to other parks and preserves, but sometimes they had to shoot hundreds of them to keep the population down.
The elk became complacent, hanging out in the shade of trees along the creeks and rivers and eating the tender shoots of young willows and aspen. These trees have a short life span, and before long, few young trees grew to replace the old ones.
Fewer willows and aspen meant fewer beavers, which use these trees for food and building materials for their lodges and dams. Since beaver ponds, with their surrounding trees, provide habitat for a great variety of birds, fish, frogs, and other living things, these, too, became less common in the park.
Too Many Coyotes
Without wolves, their smaller cousins, the coyotes, became more numerous. Coyotes feed on everything from elk calves to insects. But they eat mostly small rodents such as ground squirrels. With too many coyotes, life became harder for other small predators like foxes and badgers.
Another favorite food of coyotes is fawns of the pronghorn, an animal unique to North America. As the years went by, scientists wondered if the decline of the pronghorn population in Yellowstone was at least partly due to coyote predation on the fawns.
Consequences of Bringing Back the Wolf
As they learned more about the interconnections in nature among the animals and plants, ecologists and wildlife managers realized that Yellowstone needed wolves in order to provide a healthy, more complete ecosystem.
After years of political battling, wolves trapped in Canada were transported to the park and released in 1995 and 1996. They were kept in large pens at first to get them used to their new home. Once they were free, the wolves thrived and multiplied, and scientists began seeing positive changes in the ecosystem.
The wolves kept the elk on the move, so they can't hang out along the streams and rivers. The aspen and willows began growing back, and now more beaver have made their homes in the park. Thus the birds and other wildlife that depend on the ponds are returning, too.
The wolves killed and chased away many of the coyotes, giving the other small predators a better chance of survival. The pronghorn population also seem to be doing better now with fewer coyotes as well.
Even the grizzly bears seem to be benefiting from wolf return. When grizzlies leave their winter dens in the spring, they need to eat quality protein. Grizzlies are much bigger than wolves and can bully them away from their kills, providing the grizzlies with what they need to regain their strength in the springtime.
Lessons for Ecosystems Everywhere
The apparent improvements in how the Yellowstone ecosystem functions since wolves were returned show just how interconnected all the elements of an ecosystem are. Remove one piece, especially a major piece like a top predator, and unforeseen problems can develop. Fortunately, returning that piece of the puzzle can help heal the system.
Patent, D.H. (2008) When the Wolves Returned: Restoring Nature's Balance in Yellowstone
Smith, D.W. and G. Ferguson (2005) Decade of the Wolf: Returning the Wild to Yellowstone
The copyright of the article Bringing the Wolf Back to Yellowstone in Ecosystem Preservation is owned by Dorothy Patent. Permission to republish Bringing the Wolf Back to Yellowstone in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

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Journal of Medical Entomology. 40(3): 338–347. 2003.

Biomagnification: The tendency of certain chemicals to become concentrated as they move into and up the food chain. training.fema.gov/EMIweb/downloads/is5/glossary%20appdx%20a.doc

Often, industrial pollutants which exist in trace amounts in the environment (such as certain heavy metals and organic agents found in pesticides) become concentrated in creatures near the top of the food chain. In an estuary, for example, microorganisms called plankton may absorb small amounts of pollutants such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls); fish that eat lots of plankton might retain the pollutants in their tissues; birds or people that eat the fish might concentrate the pollutants still more. This process, called biomagnification, can produce health problems for animals in an ecosystem, including humans! http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/08/g912/greatlakes.html





Contaminants in the Arctic Human Population (from Loke Films and teacherdomain.com)
The animals and people who live in the cold Arctic environment rely on fat in their bodies for both insulation and for energy. Unfortunately, toxic chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are lipophilic, meaning that they have an affinity for fat and accumulate in fatty tissues and organs. In addition, organisms in the Arctic are particularly vulnerable to pollutants because atmospheric circulation and ocean currents carry pollution from lower latitudes to the Arctic, where the cold conditions trap the contaminants and prevent further migration.
Pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury, are released into the environment through various industrial and agricultural processes. In the environment, mercury can convert to methylmercury—an organic form of mercury that is particularly toxic and easily absorbed by organisms. These pollutants enter into ecosystems at the bottom of the food chain when organisms absorb them from the air and water. In species at low trophic levels on the food chain, the concentrations of contaminants are not much higher than those found in the air and water. However, once the contaminants enter the food chain, they can reach toxic levels through the process of biomagnification. When a predator consumes its prey, it takes in all the toxins in the organism as well as the food energy; the more contaminated organisms it eats, the more toxins it acquires and stores in its fatty tissues. Thus, at each successive trophic level, the contaminant burden increases.
People who consume the fat and meat of contaminated animals are at risk from exposure to high concentrations of toxins; POPs can affect reproductive, neurologic, and immunologic health. However, different populations of people in the Arctic have different diets and therefore have varying health risks. For example, whale is a common traditional subsistence food source; however, some types of whale are more toxic than others. The Iñupiat in northern Alaska hunt bowhead whales. These are baleen whales that primarily eat krill and shrimp, which are organisms low on the food chain. Thus bowhead whales accumulate low levels of contaminants and do not pose much risk to the people who eat them. On the other hand, people in the Faroe Islands are at greater risk because they eat pilot whales, which are higher on the food chain (they eat squid and fish). The people in the northern and eastern regions of Greenland are also exposed to high levels of toxins; as part of their traditional diet, they eat polar bear, which is at the top of the Arctic food web, and, as a result, has the highest level of contaminants of any Arctic species.
With respect to POPs, eating animals from lower trophic levels will reduce the health risks. However, proximity to source regions of pollutants also affects contamination levels. For example, there are higher concentrations of POPs in the western North American Arctic, near industrialized Asia, compared to farther east. Thus, public health advisories must be made regionally. Such advisories consider pollution levels as well as weigh the risks and benefits of altering the traditional diet, which—in addition to providing important nutrients—is part of a cultural identity.

Governments Link PCBs and Cancer

Most government health agencies, including those listed below, consider PCBs a "probable carcinogen" for humans and a "known carcinogen" for animals, based on extensive cancer research studies included on these pages. All PCB mixtures cause cancer in animals.
World Health Organization
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
The National Toxicology Program
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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Local Cancer Risks
In 1991, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that 38,255 people (or 547 people per year) faced an increased cancer risk in the Great Lakes region over a 70 year lifetime --- due to consumption of fish contaminated with 5 toxic chemicals (PCBs, Mercury, chlordane, DDE/DDT, and Dieldrin --- the last 3 are pesticides). PCBs were considered the dominant risk factor.
The risks were due primarily to consumption of Great Lakes sport fish, plus some consumption of less contaminated commercial and non-Great Lakes sport fish. Reference: U.S. EPA, Region 5. 1991. "A Risk Analysis of Twenty-six Environmental Problems - Draft." Region 5 Comparative Risk Project, Draft Working Documents.
In 1999, the draft Fox River clean-up proposal included a local cancer risk assessment for recreational anglers and subsistence anglers due primarily to consumption of fish containing PCBs. Using fish concentration data from 1990 on (and Walleye data from 1989 in Green Bay), the cancer risks were as high as 1.1 in a 100 for recreational anglers, and 1 in 67 for subsistence anglers. These risks are more than 1,000 times greater than the standard 1-in-a-million cancer risk level used by Wisconsin to regulate hazardous waste sites. These risks are 23 times higher than the cancer risks from fish-eating from Lake Winnebago, which the DNR considers a background level for PCBs (though it’s clear that Lake Winnebago fish are also contaminated.) Reference: ThermoRetec. Feb. 1999. "Draft Feasibility Study, Lower Fox River, Wisconsin, Summary of Baseline Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment." Section 3.2.1.
In this area, we have roughly 47,000 recreational anglers, based on fishing licenses, and between 2,000 and 5,000 subsistence anglers, based on a variety of surveys. If they all fished the Fox River and lower Bay at average rates, up to 510 recreational anglers, and 30 to 75 subsistence anglers could develop cancer locally over their lifetimes. We hope people are heeding the fish advisories and not consuming contaminated fish, but subsistence fishers often need to fish for financial and/or cultural reasons.
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Human Cancer PCB Studies
The following are studies which suggest PCBs cause cancer. Government agencies generally require larger and more repeated studies before declaring a substance a "known carcinogen" in humans.
The agencies used the "weight of evidence" approach to classify PCBs as probable human carcinogens. They looked at the cumulative results of the studies below, plus other human studies and the overwhelming evidence that PCBs cause cancer in animals. PCB cancer risk assessments are primarily based on detailed animal cancer studies extrapolated to humans, plus human evidence.
Human cancers are largely due to chemical pollutants and unhealthy lifestyles, not genetics, according to recent research by Paul Lichtenstein of the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, Sweden, who led a giant study of 89,576 twins and reported results in the New England Journal of Medicine (2000). The researchers found even an identical twin has about a 90% chance of not getting the same cancer as his or her cancer-afflicted twin.
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Multiple Cancer Types
At an Italian capacitor manufacturing plant, researchers studying 290 males and 1,020 females had statistically significant increased numbers of deaths from all types of cancer. In males, there was a statistically significant increase in deaths (roughly 3 times higher) from gastrointestinal tract cancers, otherwise described as higher deaths from cancers of the digestive system, the peritoneum, the lymphatic, and hematopoietic tissues. In females, all causes of death were significantly elevated, and there was a statistically significant excess risk of death from hematologic (blood-based, or leukemia) cancers compared with local, but not national rates. The study looked at workers employed at least 1 week and exposed to PCBs (specifically PCB Aroclor 1254 and 1242, both mixtures present in the Fox River). Reference: Bertazzi, Riboldi, Pesatori, Radice and Zocchett. 1987. "Cancer Mortality of Capacitor Manufacturing Workers," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, 11:165-76.
In a study in which organochlorine compounds were measured in patients who had died of cancer and patients who had died of other diseases, higher concentrations of PCB and DDE were found in the samples for the cancer patients. The mean PCB adipose (fat) levels in 11 male cancer patients was 8.8 mg/kg and in 212 non-cancer patients, 5.9 mg/kg. Although these differences are not large, they were statistically significant. Reference: Unger, M., and Olsen, J. 1980. "Organochlorine compounds in the adipose tissue of deceased people with and without cancer." ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 23: 257-263.
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Liver, Gall Bladder and Biliary Tract Cancers
In New York and Massachusetts, researchers found statistically significant excess mortality from cancer of the liver, gall bladder, and biliary tract in a study of 2,588 capacitor manufacturing workers exposed to PCB Aroclors 1254, 1242, and 1016. Reference: Brown, D.P., Jones,M. 1981 "Mortality and industrial hygiene study of workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls." ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. 36:120-9 Also: Brown, D.P. 1987. "Mortality of workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls – an update." ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. 42(6):333-339.
A smaller study was inconclusive because of the small sample size, but suggested similar cancer increases. Reference: Gustavsson P, Hogstedt C, Rappe C. 1986. "Short-term mortality and cancer incidence in capacitor manufacturing workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls." AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE. 10:341-344.
Another small study was also inconclusive because of the small sample size, but was suggestive of increased cancer risk. Reference: Nicholson WJ, Landrigan PJ. 1994. "Human health effects of polychlorinated biphenyls." In: "DIOXINS AND HEALTH" (Schecter A, ed). New York: Plenum, pp. 487-524.
Incidents in Japan and Taiwan where humans consumed rice oil contaminated with PCBs showed liver cancer at 15 times the normal rate, but this has been attributed, at least in part, to heating of the PCBs and rice oil, causing formation of chlorinated dibenzofurans (known as "furans"). However, commercially produced PCBs, such as those used in the Fox River Valley, were routinely contaminated with furans during creation, so BOTH chemicals are present at significant levels in our river. Reference: Urabe H. Koda H, Asahi M. 1979. "Present State of Yusho Patients." ANNULS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 320:273-6. Online: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/86111_45.html#Toxicity Also: Masuda Y, Yoshimura H. 1984. "Polychlorinated biphenyls and dibenzofurans in patients with Yusho and their toxicological significance: review." AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE. 5:31-44. Also: Masuda Y. 1994. "The Yusho rice oil poisoning incident." In: Schecter A, editor. "DIOXINS AND HEALTH." New York: Plenum, p 633-59.
For more details, see PCBs and Liver Cancer in Humans
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Skin Cancer - Melanoma

In Indiana, researchers found excess cancer mortality among workers at a capacitor manufacturing plant where PCB Aroclor 1242, then 1016, had been used. The study examined 3588 workers employed at least 1 day. Compared with national rates, there was a statistically significant excess risk of death from skin cancer (roughly 4 times higher.) All were malignant melanomas. Reference: Sinks T, Steele, G, Smith AB, Watkins K, Shults RA. 1992. "Mortality among workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls." AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 136:389-98.
Another study of electric utility workers exposed to PCBs showed significantly increased mortality from malignant melanoma (skin cancer) and brain cancer Reference: Loomis D, Browning SR, Schenck AP, Gregory E, Savitz DA. 1997. "Cancer mortality among electric utility workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls. "OCCUPATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE. 54:720-8.
On another front, in a June 24, 1976 letter, Mobil Oil Corporation reported to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) preliminary results of an epidemiological analysis based on medical records of employees exposed to PCBs at their Paulsboro, New Jersey plant.

The study included Mobil employees reported to have had varying exposure to PCB Aroclor 1254.The research and development employees were exposed to PCBs between 1949 and 1957 and refinery plant employees between 1953 and 1958. The extent of exposure to other chemicals is not known. The cancer incidence among these workers for the period 1957 through 1975 was determined using Mobil medical records. Because medical records for 37 employees were incomplete, these workers were excluded from this analysis. Among the 92 workers in these two groups for whom adequate medical records were available, eight cancers (in seven workers) were observed between 1957 and 1975. Of these eight cancers, three were malignant melanoma and two were cancer of the pancreas. This is significantly more skin cancer (melanoma) and pancreatic cancer than would be expected in a population of this size. The remaining cancers were found at three other sites in two employees; sarcoma of the right thigh and multiple myeloma in one employee, and recto-sigmoid cancer in the other. Reference: Bahn AK, Rosenwaike I, Herrmann N, Grover P, Stellman J, O’Leary K. 1976. "Melanoma after exposure to PCBs." Letter. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 295: 450 (1976). Also: DHHS (NIOSH), CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 7, polychlorinated (pcbs) November 3, 1975,updated 05-01-1998. Online: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/78127_7.html
For more details see Skin Cancer and PCBs
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Brain Cancer

In another study, electric utility workers exposed to PCBs had significantly increased mortality from brain cancer and malignant melanoma. Reference: Loomis D, Browning SR, Schenck AP, Gregory E, Savitz DA. 1997. "Cancer mortality among electric utility workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls. "OCCUPATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE. 54:720-8. Also, refer to: Johnson BL, Hicks HE, Jones DE, Cibulas W, Wargo A, De Rosa CT. 1998. "Public health implications of persistent toxic substances in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basins. JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH 24:698-722. Online at http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/DT/pcb007.html

For more details see Brain Cancer, PCBs and Dioxin
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Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Many countries are reporting a rapid increase in incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Recent case-control studies have found associations between non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and PCB concentrations in adipose (fat) tissue (Hardell, 1996) and blood serum (Rothman, 1997). In the Rothman study of persons without known occupational exposure to PCBs, mean PCB blood levels of 13.3 ppb yield highly significant increased odds of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Reference: Hardell L, van Bavel B, Lindström G, Fredrikson M, Hagberg H, Lijergren G, Nordstrom M, and Johansson B.. 1996. "Higher concentrations of specific polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in adipose tissue from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients compared with controls without a malignant disease." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 9:603-608. Also: Rothman N, Cantor KP, Blair A, Bush D, Brock JW, Helzlsouer K, Zahm SH, Needham LL, Pearson GR, Hoover RN, et al. 1997. "A nested case-control study of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and serum organochlorine residues." LANCET 350:240-244.
In a 1998 study, researchers state: "In epidemiologic studies, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) has been associated with exposure to chemicals such as phenoxyacetic acids; chlorophenols; dioxins; organic solvents including benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, chlordanes; and immunosuppressive drugs. Experimental evidence and clinical observations indicate that these chemicals may impair the immune system. The risk is increased for NHL in persons with acquired and congenital immune deficiency as well as autoimmune disorders. Also, certain viruses have been suggested to be of etiologic significant for NHL. In some cases of NHL the common mechanism for all these agents and conditions may be immunosuppression, possibly in combination with viruses." Reference: Hardell L, Lindstrom G, van Bavel B, Fredrikson M, and G Liljegren. 1998. "Some aspects of the etiology of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma." ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. 106 (Suppl 2):679-681.
Another study found an association between PCBs and hairy cell leukemia, which is a subgroup of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas. Researchers found an "increased risk for the sum of the immunotoxic PCB group." Reference: Nordstrom M, et al. 2000. "Concentrations of organochlorines related to titers to Epstein-Barr virus early antigen IgG as risk factors for hairy cell leukemia." ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES 108(5):441-5.
See also PCBs and Immune System Damage
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Pancreatic Cancer
Researchers have found an association between PCB levels and pancreatic cancers. Reference: Hoppin JA, et al. 2000. "Pancreatic cancer and serum organochlorine levels." CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY, BIOMARKERS, AND PREVENTION; 9(2):199-205.
In a second study, in a recent issue of the British journal, LANCET, pancreatic cancer patients with a specific gene mutation called K-ras show high levels of DDT, DDE, and PCBs, known as organochlorine compounds. Roughly 78 percent of patients with pancreatic cancer have the K-ras mutation, and scientific studies have established that the mutation is not inherited. This study is the first to suggest that the K-ras mutation is linked to a chemical agent in the environment. "Pancreatic cancer patients with a K-ras mutation have significantly higher levels of DDT, DDE and three major PCBs than pancreatic cancer patients without the mutation or the controls," says the lead researcher, Miguel Porta. But, he adds, "we do not think that organochlorine compounds directly cause the mutations." So what could be happening? "One possibility is that something causes the mutation and then these compounds provide some advantage for the mutated cells to grow," so that instead of dying, for example, a mutated cell continues to grow and multiply. "The other possibility is that these substances enhance the action of mutagens of K-ras." For example, PCBs may push abnormal cells that are still in a pre-cancerous phase into becoming completely cancerous.
For more detailed information, see Pancreatic Cancer, PCBs and Dioxin
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Lung Cancer
A PCB-exposed group in Japan had a statistically significant increase in lung cancer deaths. This was a case involving rice oil contaminated with PCBs and furans. [Some scientists argue that the cancers were due to the furans, not the PCBs; however, commercial mixtures of PCBs generally came contaminated with furans from the manufacturer. The Fox River is contaminated with both PCBs and furans as a result, and both chemicals are picked up and accumulated in fish.] Reference: Kuratsune, Nakamura, Ikeda, & Hirohata. 1987. "Analysis of Deaths Seen Among Patients with Yusho-A Preliminary Report," CHEMOSPHERE, 16:8/9, 2085.
A second study noted that lung cancer deaths among ex-employees at a capacitor plant were higher than might have been expected, but concluded that "there were apparently no grounds for associating lung cancer deaths (although increased above expectations) and exposure in the plant." Reference: Bertazzi, Riboldi, Pesatori, Radice and Zocchett. 1987. "Cancer Mortality of Capacitor Manufacturing Workers," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, 11:165-76.
A study followed employees who had worked at Monsanto's PCB production plant. The researchers found that the incidence of lung cancer deaths among these workers was somewhat higher than would ordinarily be expected. The increase, however, was not considered statistically significant. Reference: J. Zack & D. Munsch, Mortality of PCB Workers at the Monsanto Plant in Sauget, Illinois (Dec. 14, 1979)(unpublished report), 3 Rec., Doc. No. 11.
For more details, see Lung Cancer and PCBs
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Kidney Cancer
A study of workers exposed to PCBs found a consistent increase in kidney cancer, although the actual number of cases was small. Reference: Longnecker, MP, WJ Rogan and G Lucier. 1997. "The human health effects of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and an overview of organochlorines in public health," ANNUAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 18:211-244.
For more details, see Kidney, Bladder & Urothelial Cancer and PCBs

Prostate Cancer
PCBs may cause or promote prostate cancer through early alteration of hormonal development of the male in the womb, and/or through changes in the levels of glutathione enzymes. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) found an association between PCBs and prostate cancer.
For more details, see Prostate Cancer and PCBs
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Breast Cancer

In Wisconsin, researchers have found breast cancer population clusters, where the disease rate is much higher than average. Two of them are in zip codes on the east side of the City of Green Bay, in the old downtown along the Fox River and along the east shore of the Bay. (Zip codes 54301 and 54311) The statistics were age-adjusted so results wouldn’t be skewed.)
In general, Wisconsin’s breast cancer rate among women aged 65 and older is higher than the national average.

Our detailed Breast Cancer section includes summaries of 128 studies on the links between breast cancer and exposure to PCBs or dioxin.
At least 24 studies of human populations show a possible link between PCBs and breast cancer. More than 50 additional laboratory studies illustrate in animals or cell cultures how PCBs may cause or promote breast cancer. Also, three studies of humans show a link between dioxin and breast cancer. These last three are important because certain PCBs are dioxin-like and PCBs are frequently contaminated with dioxins.
On the other hand, approximately 13 human studies did not show that PCBs increase breast cancer risk. Nevertheless, several such studies, when re-examined statistically, have found that certain PCBs were associated with risks, or that certain subgroups of women appeared to be more vulnerable to PCBs.
For more details, see Breast Cancer, PCBs and Dioxin


Figure 1. Mean Total PCB Concentration in Fish Collected from Utah Lake in June 2006.
Common carp are bottom-feeding omnivores that consume aquatic plants, insects, and
other fish. Carp dominate the ecology of Utah Lake making up an estimated 90.9% of its
total biomass (2). Their presence has lead to the decline of native fish species including
the June Sucker, which was listed on the Endangered Species List in 1986. The June
Sucker Recovery Implementation Program has been initiated to address its listing and to
recover the species so that it no longer requires protection under the Endangered Species
Total [PCBs] in Fish from Utah Lake
Fish Species
Total [PCB], ppb
Fillet 14.3 10.2 80.5 104.4 7.1
Offal 59.5 34.8 130.6 176.8 30.7.7

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Excellent PowerPoint on Food Chains


Answers to the Review for Thunder Mastery Test #1

1. a
2. skip
3. d
4. j
6. c
7. d
8. h
9. c migrating
10. h
11. g
12. h
13. d
14. h
15. f
16. a
17. b (food chain)
18. c (the sun)
19. a
20. d
21. c
22. b
23. b
24. b
25. a
26. a
27. d
28. a
29. d
30. b
31. b
32. a
33. Answers will vary but all webs should have multiple connections between organisms and producer, primary and secondary consumers, and decomposers.
34. The wolf should use no more energy running than is contained in the rabbit.
35. The US uses more fossil fuels, fewer people, more machines and better transportation and storage that other countries. We produce enough food to export and to feed to cattle. We eat more meat and milk products than other countries.
36. decomposer: an organism that breaks down organic matter into simpler compounds; important because they return nutrients back into an ecosystem
37. (actually they hibernate in the winter!) Hibernation during the winter is a strategy that bears use to balance energy intake with energy expenditure. During the summer, food is plentiful and bears store up energy as fat. During the winter, they lower their energy expenditure by hibernating (that is, sleeping). Thus, bears expend more energy to obtain food when they can obtain food most efficiently and they spend less energy to obtain food during the winter, when the amount of energy that would be expended to obtain food would be greater than the energy contained in that food.
38. The snow killed most of the insects. Sparrows consume insects, and since the insects were dead the sparrows also starved to death. Usually the sparrows would have migrated to a warmer place and would have avoided this situation.
39. First, determine the average weight of each individual cereal. 200 g of Cheerios/ 250 Cheerios. Repeat for each of the three other types. Graph on the X-axis the four types of cereals. Make sure that your label clearly identifies what is being measured on the X axis. The independent variable is located on the X axis. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable and is located on the Y axis. The reason that Mr. Ong weighted 250 Cheerios instead of just weighing 5 cheerios is that as the number in the sample increases, the probablitity that the sample contains outliers and poorly represents the entire population is destroyed.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Performing Research on Pubmed

One of the students asked me to show them how they would perform research on www.pubmed.gov if they wanted to know what sugar did to their body.
1. Go to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
2. In the search box, type: sugar.
3. Over 100,000 articles were found; narrow the search.
4. Search: sugar review 2009 (to find reviews that were published in 2009).
5. Now try: effect of sugar humans review 2009
6. Still too many articles, try: processed sugar human consumption
7. Click on the "show" radio button; select "500" and press enter
8. Scan through the summaries. Summary #3, Summary #4, and Summary #5 look interesting.
Gastrointestinal effects of low-digestible carbohydrates.

Grabitske HA, Slavin JL.

Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2009 Apr;49(4):327-60. Review.

PMID: 19234944 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Related Articles

Secular trends in food patterns of Guatemalan consumers: new foods for old.

Bermudez OI, Hernandez L, Mazariegos M, Solomons NW.

Food Nutr Bull. 2008 Dec;29(4):278-87.

PMID: 19227052 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Related Articles

Refined food addiction: a classic substance use disorder.

Ifland JR, Preuss HG, Marcus MT, Rourke KM, Taylor WC, Burau K, Jacobs WS, Kadish W, Manso G.

Med Hypotheses. 2009 May;72(5):518-26. Epub 2009 Feb 14.

PMID: 19223127 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Related Articles

Next: read article #5;

Summarize: Research suggests that processed foods that contain high levels of sugar may be addicting (Ifland JR, Preuss HG, Marcus MT, Rourke KM, Taylor WC, Burau K, Jacobs WS, Kadish W, Manso G. Med Hypotheses. 2009 May;72(5):518-26. Epub 2009 Feb 14.) Scientists suggest that addictions to processed food containing a high sugar content are similar to other addictions, such as tobacco and alcohol addictions. Id. These scientists advocate broadening the criteria of DSM-IV to include processed foods with high levels of sugar. Id.

What is DSM-IV? Google it and find out!

Note: Always underline journal titles and book titles. Also underline "Id.", which basically means that the sentence is supported by the same references that was last presented in the paper.

Repeat until you have a paragraph.

Ideally, you would retrieve the original article. Older articles are readily available but 2009 articles may be not. You may then have to refine your search to include older articles.

Have your parent or guardian read through the paragraph and make suggestions on what you can do to make it clearer for the reader.

Remember, keep your reader in mind! Don't assume that they know what you are talking about.