A-day Biology

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Water Lab (makeup)

Come get a orange worksheet and follow the instructions that I have pasted below.
1- Fluids climb up strips of paper
You need two 300ml beakers that are completely dry!!!!!!
Cut two strips of paper towel that are long enough to reach the bottom of the 300 ml beaker
Tape the two strips of paper to the top of a beaker so that they touch the bottom of the beaker. You will have two beakers with one strip of paper in each
Pour 30 ml of water into one beaker and 30ml of alcohol into another beaker. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH THE PAPER OR YOU WILL HAVE TO START OVER

2- Water on a Penny: Read instructions on card record data on lab sheet
Get everybody to put drops on pennies. Make it a competition. See who wins.
Use the water dropper to put drop after drop of water onto a penny. See how many you can get and answer all questions on the lab sheet.

Does it dissolve?
Take the cloth and hold it up to the light. ANSWER ON LAB SHEET
Place the cloth loosely over the beaker. Place ½ TSP salt on top and record ovservations
Remove the salt from the cloth completely
Now place ½ tsp salt into a test tube and add water until it is about 2/3 full. Shake vigorously until no salt is visible.
Place cloth loosely over beaker again and dump the salt water onto the cloth. Record observations
Repeat the procedure above exactly substituting sugar for the salt

Wax paper is Waxy! Follow directions for the wax paper
Place a large drop of water onto the wax paper. Record observations:

Take the toothpicks and try and smash the water flat onto the paper. Record observation

See how many mini drops you can separate the water into. Record the number and observations

Now get all of the drops back together so that it is one big drop again. Place the toothpick in soap, then into the large water drop and record observations

Water gets hot………….slowly!!
Take the two beakers you were provided and place 50ml of water into one and 50ml of alcohol into the other
Place the thermometers into the fluids and record beginning temperatures on your lab sheet
Place the beakers onto the hot plate and record the temperature of each every 30 seconds on a paper so you can record them onto the graph
Heat them for 5 min
Remove the beakers from the heat and continue to record the temperatures every 30 seconds for 5 min so you can record them onto the graph
Dumb both of the solutions down the drain and rinse them out and dry them with a paper towel

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